Explore Rum Cay


Near Port Nelson, a salt pond forms a protective ecosystem that is home to baby turtles, groupers, lobsters, and an array of other sea life. Indeed, the salt pond provides an excellent sanctuary for the baby sea creatures before they venture out to the dangers of the open ocean. Eco-tourists worried about missing any of the islands natural hotspots can easily hire a tour from one of the local fishing guides to guarantee that they miss nothing on their trip. Be sure to pay a visit to the more popular destination spots on the island including Sir Milo Butler Park Beach, Flamingo Beach, and Picnic Bay abutting up against the Sumner Point Marina.

Rum Cay Beaches Bahamas Beach Vacation Relaxing Resort
Beaches Of Rum Cay

Beaches of Rum Cay

Lined with virtually untouched beaches of pink and white sand, Rum Cay Island is the perfect place to get away from it all. Some of the more popular beach spots include Sir Milo Butler Park Beach, Flamingo Beach, and Picnic Bay. Quiet, less assuming but just as spectacular as its neighbors, Rum Cay’s beaches are perfect for a quiet vacation under the sun, surrounded by clear turquoise waters.



Rum Cay's close proximity to the Conception Island National Park, and its award winning bird sanctuary, means that Rum Cay enjoys a diverse population of migratory marine fowl. Among the nearly thirty species sighted on the island, Herons and songbirds claim the cay their home, but the most regular spotting is of the pearly-eyed thrasher. Near Port Nelson, a salt pond forms a protective ecosystem that is home to baby turtles, grouper, lobster, and an abundance of colorful sea life. The salt pond provides an excellent sanctuary for the baby sea creatures before they venture out to explore the open ocean. Eco-tourists worried about missing any of the islands natural hotspots can easily hire a tour from one of the local guides to guarantee they can see and enjoy all the splendors Rum Cay has to offer.w


Rum Cay, Port Nelson MYRP

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