Explore Inagua


What did it feel like to live in the Caribbean in the early 1700s? Find out with a tour of historic Inagua Island where purportedly the first act of piracy occurred in the Bahamas, signaling the beginning of the Age of Piracy in this part of the world. Walking tours of Matthew Town allow you to explore the island's culture and history as you see buildings dating back to the 19th-century, fashioned in British colonial style. You should also not miss a visit to Inagua lighthouse that provides unprecedented views of the rest of the island. For those wanting to snorkel and commune with the green and hawksbill turtles that frequent the area, Coconut Grove Beach is the destination point for thousands of visitors each year.

Inagua Bahamas Ecotourism Ocean Beach Palm Trees
Inagua Beaches Bahamas Resort Hotel Spa Tanning

Beaches of Inagua

Peppered with beautifully secluded beaches, Inagua Island is the perfect getaway. For those hankering to snorkel and commune with the green and hawksbill turtles, Coconut Grove Beach is the place to visit. For a beach experience that mixes the beauty of the tropics with the warm personality of the local populous, an afternoon on Iron Badge Beach is perfect. Visitors spread out beach towels and set up umbrellas to sunbathe, picnic, or simply relax on hammocks strung between palm trees. Other top beaches in the area include Farquharson’s Beach, Nixon’s Beach, Northeast Point Beach and Devil’s Beach.ina



Located 55 miles from the southern tip of Cuba, Great Inagua is a nature lover's paradise and home to some of the most significantly important geographic sites throughout the Bahamas. The Inagua National Park on Great Inagua covers half the island's land mass and is home to the largest breeding colony of pink flamingos in the world. The park contains the largest lake in the Bahamas, Lake Rosa, and provides shelter to a myriad of other species including endangered Bahamas Parrot nesting sites. Little Inagua, the largest uninhabited island in the Caribbean, is home to the Union Creek National Reserve where they have been studying the habits of the endangered Green Turtle since 1965. The reserve encompasses an enclosed tidal creek that is critical to these turtle's nesting abilities.w


Great Inagua, Matthew Town MYIG

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